Reed Davis


Mr. Davis has a professional focus on induced seismicity, seismic data acquisition and interpretation, structural interpretation, and technical document preparation. His effectiveness in his work is based on strictly data-driven technical analysis. He is adept in using programming languages such as Matlab, Mathematica, and Python in addition to modeling tools such as Fault-Slip Potential to assist in data analysis.  Mr. Davis has evaluated the relationships between faults, seismic events, and injection at over 250 saltwater disposal well locations in New Mexico, Texas, and Oklahoma to identify possible correlations and assisted in the preparation of the associated expert reports. 

Over the last 7 years with ALL Consulting, Mr. Davis has been involved class II injection well well siting and permitting with a focus on geological evaluation and zone assessment, geophysical log interpretation, seismicity risk assessment, and well design for the permitting and drilling of wells in Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Louisiana, and Wyoming.  In addition, Mr. Davis has testified as an expert witness on the topics of induced seismicity, geophysics, and geology and has been involved in the installation and active monitoring of multiple private local seismic monitoring networks at injection well sites.  Mr. Davis has also been responsible for developing the associated seismic monitoring and mitigation plans and annual seismic monitoring activity reports at such sites.

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