Jon Seekins, Regulatory Manager

Jon Seekins

Regulatory Manager

Mr. Seekins is a Senior Environmental Scientist with ALL Consulting and the Regulatory Manager. For the past 34 years he has worked in the environmental consulting field on projects centered on the Upstream Oil and Gas extraction industry ranging from impact analysis and remediation efforts to regulatory permitting and compliance for both conventional and unconventional development as well as midstream water management infrastructure.

Since joining ALL Consulting in 2000, Mr. Seekins has participated and managed a variety of projects dealing with the planning and permitting of upstream and midstream infrastructure support initiatives on both federal and state, as well as private leases. These include conducting site assessments and preparing and obtaining permits for turnkey designed injection wells, a variety of pits and impoundments including evaporation pits, an array of recycling facilities and water treatment operations, numerous pipelines projects with road and stream crossing, a range of different facility type air permits, and a host of county permits for various construction concerns. Project locations encompass the Permian Basin of Texas and southeastern New Mexico, the Eagle Ford in southern Texas, the Anadarko-Woodford in west-central Oklahoma, the Bakken in western North Dakota and eastern Montana, the Powder River Basin in east central Wyoming and south western Montana, the Haynesville in eastern Louisiana, the Fayetteville in central Arkansas, and the Marcellus and Utica plays in both eastern Ohio and across most of Pennsylvania. One noteworthy effort involved obtaining the first successful temporary permit for a recycling facility co-located at an existing SWD facility in Midland, Texas utilizing the Railroad Commission’s expedited approval process under Rule 4.202. Over the years Mr. Seekins has establish numerous contacts at various state and federal agencies in charge of issuing development permits and thoroughly understands the application requirements as well as the agency processes for obtaining these permits. Currently, he supervises and coordinates our team of in-house regulatory specialists made up of scientists and engineers, and provides daily contact with clients, regulatory agencies, as well as reviews reports, plans and applications before they are issued.

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