Category: Team

  • Ben Bockelmann, GIS Manager / Analyst

    Ben Bockelmann

    September 21, 2023
    GIS Manager / Analyst Mr. Bockelmann earned a B.S. in Geography with specializations in Physical Geography and Geographic Information Systems…
  • Daniel Arthur, Environmental Consultant

    Daniel Arthur

    September 21, 2023
    Environmental Consultant Mr. Arthur holds a bachelor’s degree in Earth & Environmental Science from Wright State University and is a…
  • David Epperly, Principal Partner, Federal Program Manager

    David Epperly, PhD., P.E.

    September 21, 2023
    Principal Partner, Federal Program Manager Dr. Epperly is the Vice President and Secretary of ALL Consulting and has been with…
  • Dan Arthur, P.E., SPEC, Founder, President, Chief Engineer

    Dan Arthur, P.E., SPEC, CPG, FGS, QMS

    September 21, 2023
    Founder, President, Chief Engineer Mr. Arthur is the Founder, President and Chief Engineer of ALL Consulting and has served as…