Unforeseen Challenges for Obtaining a UIC Permit In New Mexico

Are you familiar with the design concerns and best practices surrounding the Roswell Artesian Basin, the Capitan Reef, the expanded Potash Areas, or Seismic Response Areas (SRAs) in New Mexico? When applying for an Injection Permit in New Mexico, you must not only conform to the stated regulatory requirements of the application but are also required to meet the perceived best practices, which are often unstated.  Failure to develop your permit application around the expected best practices of the New Mexico Oil and Gas Conservation Division (NMOCD) will often stall an application’s progress when under administrative review, which can result in your application being rejected.

ALL Consulting has successfully prepared and submitted over 100 Class II UIC permits for NMOCD on fee, State, and federal lands, with a large percentage of them receiving Authorization to Inject orders. By maintaining a strong working relationship with regulators and industry organizations, ALL has stayed on top of the ever-changing landscape of UIC permitting in New Mexico.

If your team is looking for support navigating the changing landscape of UIC permitting, please contact Mark F. Kidder or Reed Davis.

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